Grilled smallhold mushroom skewers


Okay, it’s officially summer. Which means it’s also officially grilling season, y’all. Take a break from traditional kebabs and opt for throwing some mushrooms on the grill. This is one of my favorite dishes that I’ve made to date simply because it’s so dang easy, unexpected, and surprisingly versatile. These gorgeous blue oysters from Smallhold get doused in miso, maple, tons of garlic, turmric, and get a crispy char on the grill. Top with your favorite sauce or dressing. It’s gonna be your new staple BELIEVE ME! Mushrooms continue to have their moment in the sun, and hopefully the reverence for this incredible ingredient carries on for the foreseeable future, because they are so delicious and can you believe it — they’re amazing for our health, too.



5 lbs blue oyster mushrooms

1 pack of kebab skewers 

For the marinade:

1 cup avocado oil

¼ cup miso paste 

¼ cup chopped fresh ginger 

¼ cup soy sauce or tamari

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons maple syrup

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

Zest 3 limes 

8 cloves of garlic 

1 tablespoon turmeric

Preheat your grill to medium heat.

Soak your skewers in water for at least ten minutes.

Start processing the mushrooms, tearing them apart  into smaller pieces, about 3 inch pieces (they’ll cook down)

Put them in a big bowl and toss them with marinade until drenched in sauce. 

Then start layering them onto skewers using the bigger pieces. (You can reserve the small pieces that don’t fit on the skewers at the end to roast as toppers for salads, eggs, or dehydrate them for a snack!)

Lay your skewers down in an even layer onto a clean grill, let them do their thing until the edges start to char, about 10 minutes each side. *Keep an eye on them because the sugar and salt content could cause them to easily burn, every grill is different so reduce the heat if they’re getting too crisp, and avoid flipping them too many times to avoid them falling apart.*

Once your mushrooms are charred and tender, plate them and serve with chili crisp, cilantro, and lime, or your favorite sauce. This dish pairs well with almost any side or dressing. Use leftovers to make tacos or throw into stir fry. Mushrooms are truly versatile.



