The femmes featured in the launch of our Community Care Collection are a handful of extraordinary beings that are making noteworthy contributions to the health and happiness of their communities.
They have also in some shape or form, contributed to the growth channels of Camila Creates. We asked each of them how they envision continuing to contribute to health and happiness of the people through their work - Here’s what they had to say:
Creatrix, Apothecarist, For the Love of Us
Q: In what ways do you want to contribute to health and happiness of your community?
T: I hope to provide a space of education and empowerment for my direct community and beyond. I want those who engage with my offerings to know their power and autonomy in having tools to aid in their well being. I hope they understand the path of being "well" is a gradual uncovering of all the powerful medicines brought to us by black and indigenous folx and that they are used as tools to continue on your journey. I believe that happiness is health, and health is happiness, when I can smile at least once in a day, I feel healthy. When I can laugh, I feel healthy. I hope to contribute this bit of goodness to those around me and even deeper in myself.
Founder of Dajana’s Health Club
Q: In what ways do you want to contribute to health and happiness of your community?
D: I want to contribute by making information on health accessible and digestible to all. I really believe if everyone has access to information and resources, the world would be in a better place. By prioritizing our health, we begin to feel good and if we feel good we are better able to show up for not only ourselves but for the world around us as well.
Artist, Singer, Founder of Hella Looks
Q: In what ways do you want to contribute to health and happiness of your community?
N: I want to inspire my community to celebrate and hone their power. Not power in the sense that you’re dominant over someone or something, but more so that there are infinite possibilities within you to be love, feel happy, and create. With Hella Looks and the music that I write, I try to cultivate and share stories that are honest so that people can connect with them and feel a sense of power in that connectedness.
Yoga Teacher, Co-Owner of One Life Yoga
Q: In what ways do you want to contribute to health and happiness of your community?
L: By empowering them to honor their bodies and their most authentic nature through accessible practices and the power of their own breath.
Community Organizer, Artist
Q: In what ways do you want to contribute to health and happiness of your community?
J: I hope to be a resounding voice that encourages my community to be bold and creatively self-expressed. We are beyond the liminal space of societies imagination, and our voices have incredible power. I want us to believe in our brilliance and believe in our right to rest.
Designer, Artist, Co-Founder of Hella Looks
Q: In what ways do you want to contribute to health and happiness of your community?
M: As we continue to integrate new ways of thinking, I want to shine light on the importance of sovereignty of self. Only until we find love within ourselves, are we then able to make change and show up for others out of altruism rather than egoism. 2020 stirred up great psychological and emotional turmoil for many of us, but what's incredible about the human body is its ability to adapt. As I become more and more familiar with the ebbs and flows of life, I want to share the tools I use that help me get back on track during times of instability.